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Parent Partnership Group (2)
The Parent Partnership Group have held their second meeting today. The group always meet on the first Thursday of every month. In today's meeting we discussed:
- Communication between school and home regarding the pupil’s day in school. Sharing information on what has happened in the day and videos to share with home using Seesaw. A standard set of questions to be used by staff to report daily activities through Seesaw.
- Next meeting in February to focus on IDP’s – speaker to be confirmed. (Dal Dwylo can source a speaker)
- Dates for all meetings to be sent out to parents with timings – it was suggested that it could be rotated for an am or pm start for alternative months e.g. 9.30am – 11am one month and 1.30pm – 3pm the following month. Maybe Feb be an am meeting and March pm, etc.
- Each meeting will cover a specific topic – e.g. health checks, communication strategies (AAC), puberty, etc - Dal Dwylo can identify speakers for each meeting.
- Send out questionnaire to parents for feedback on topics of concern.
- It was agreed that there needs to be better arrangements for sharing information from outside agencies within school to parents. The parent partnership should be able to assist with this.
- Parent Partnership to host an information event for outside agencies to attend and share information for parents, carers and pupils.
- Opportunities for parents to work with staff to support learning outcomes e.g. use of AAC
- Sammy (Conwy Connect) to contact regarding a visit on health checks and puberty for students.
- Pendalar to nominate a lead person to coordinate with Dal Dwylo on events, speakers, meetings and communications
- Pendalar to share staff roles and responsibilities (who’s who) with parents.
- Discussed possibility for classes to share their teacher names and photos, classroom assistant names and photos and other children in the class first names to parents.
- Ask parents’ permission if photos of their child can be shared on Seesaw within the class activities.